Kick-off meeting in Rome


All partners and affiliated entities

Project meeting in Turin

Agreement on eligibility criteria for asylum seekers in Italian reception centers

Start of the baseline survey in Italy

First asylum seeker interviewed at reception center in Turin

Project and technical meeting in Milan


All partners and EC officers. Preview of survey results in Italy and Albania.

Sampling and randomization in Italy

Finalization of the Italian target group and randomization between treatment and control group (counterfactual evaluation strategy)

Training of job mentors in Turin

First meeting with beneficiaries at PES

Presentation of the project. Beneficiaries decide whether to join the project. First meeting held in Turin. Several meetings over the following months.

First meeting with a job mentor

First meeting between asylum seeker and job metor in Asti (Piedmont). Meeting and contacts will continue until the end of FORWORK-Italy activities.

Beginning of training activities in Piedmont

Civic education, Italian language and vocational training courses

Second group of beneficiaries

Start of recruitment of additional group of FORWORK beneficiaries